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Great trip and anglers
Moderator(s): Darrin, Ryan Hale, Ducks
Author Post
Ryan Hale
Sat Jun 02 2012, 06:13AM Email Print
Army Strong
Ryan Hale
Main Admin Registered Member #2 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 10:17AM
Posts: 7450

What a great time we had today. I cant' tell you much fun my wife Carol and I had fishing with you. Even though I had all those fish to clean , what a job that was. And they tasted great tonight .

After you dropped us off and a short nap, we put our boat in where you picked us up this am and we went above Eagle point where Carol caught , on a wacky worm. the biggest Smallie I have seen in years. 18 Inches and fat too. I should have weighed it. but the pic will show you.

I hope we see you on the water later this week , looko for the fast Astro.with 2 old fisherpeople in it.

from your new friends,

Clark and Carol

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Ryan Hale
Thu Jun 28 2012, 04:59PM
Army Strong
Ryan Hale
Main Admin Registered Member #2 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 10:17AM
Posts: 7450
Hey Ryan, I just got back to Boston and didn't have time to write this before. It was really nice to meet you and fish with you at Okoboji. I really appreciate your generosity and willingness to take me out and teach me. It was a nice experience and I learned a lot from you. Looking forward to meet up again in August.

Daniel Sanchez
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