
Moderator(s): Darrin, Ryan Hale, Ducks
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Fri Mar 16 2007, 10:34PM Email Print
Registered Member #10 Joined: Fri Mar 16 2007, 10:04PM
Posts: 1889
As some of you know I met Ryan last spring when I booked him for a couple of days of fishing. I hadn't fished on the IGl's for nearly 20 years and was in need of some instruction on the finer points of walleye presentations and tactics. Ryan showed me how to use slip bobbers, bottom bouncers, pull cranks, and vertical jig. We caught some nice LMB and a few perch, white bass, and my first ever limit of Iowa walleyes. I learned a lot about fishing but more importantly made a new friend who shares my passion for the outdoors. I've since returned to Harborview resort 2 times for some ice fishing and will be going back again very soon.
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Fri Mar 16 2007, 10:46PM
Registered Member #13 Joined:
Posts: 11
Very nice site Ryan. Now I have site envy. lol
Uncle Fester
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Sat Mar 17 2007, 09:21PM
Registered Member #14 Joined: Sat Mar 17 2007, 09:08AM
Posts: 1027
My wife and I have had the pleasure of fishing with Ryan on two different occasions. The first trip Ryan helped us catch small mouth and walleye on East and West Okobji. The weather was less not very nice to us but Ryan was able to help us catch fish. My wife had a great time! Ryan helped her catch some great small mouth, her first walleye and even a crappie or two. He showed great skill in positioning the boat near docks so that we could do some casting.
The second trip Ryan took us to Spirit where the weather was once again just short of rotten! We did manage to boat some walleye and some nice small mouths. On this visit we also stayed at the resort and once again got to meet his boys again. Ryan's interaction with the boys is great! These boys are good kids who are really great fishermen!
I know that the weather cannot always be bad in the Iowa Great Lakes area and my wife are both hoping that are next trip with Ryan will be one of those times. Edited Sat Mar 17 2007, 09:30PM
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Sat Mar 17 2007, 09:59PM
Registered Member #17 Joined:
Posts: 125
I also have had the opportunity to learn from Ryan
awsome guy!
you can bet ill be picking his brain about how to catch some smallies......
that is when im not musky fishing.....of course
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Sun Mar 18 2007, 09:14PM
Gungala, gungala
Main Admin Registered Member #3 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 11:27AM
Posts: 3739
Had a great outing with Ryan last year in June. He put us on the walleyes as well as the bass. Even took the time to show us the ins and out of planer board fishing. Not a pattern that was working at the time but we wanted to learn, so he was good enough to teach us. He doesn't just put you on fish, he teaches you how to catch them. I'm looking forward to our annual June (Looper Convention) outing.

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The Matrix
Mon Mar 19 2007, 05:41PM
The Matrix
Registered Member #5 Joined: Fri Mar 16 2007, 02:13PM
Posts: 487
I'll second all that has been said. In fact he's a great neighbor also. Plowed my drive way a few times this winter.

My only gripe with Ryan is that cyclone flag hanging at his resort. I'm sure he loses some business because of it. JK

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Mon Mar 19 2007, 05:44PM
Gungala, gungala
Main Admin Registered Member #3 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 11:27AM
Posts: 3739
drewten wrote ...

I'll second all that has been said. In fact he's a great neighbor also. Plowed my drive way a few times this winter.

My only gripe with Ryan is that cyclone flag hanging at his resort. I'm sure he loses some business because of it. JK


LOL!!!! Drew, you and I are going to get along just fine! LOL!!!!!!!

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