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Thanks Ryan!
Moderator(s): Darrin, Ryan Hale, Ducks
Author Post
Tue Jul 29 2008, 08:24PM Email Print
Registered Member #48 Joined:
Posts: 27
Frankie and I spent Tuesday morning fishing with Ryan and it was another great day as always. The fish were not real active, but yet I took home five fish to fry. I learned another way to fish Smallies and a modification of the slip bobber rig.

Ryan was a great host and despite the continual buzzing of pleasure boaters he put us on fish. Smallies, Perch, Walleye, Bluegills, Red Ear, and Largemouths all saw the inside of my boat today. The best day of the year fishing is usually fishing with Ryan.

Frankie found a nice $7 rod at the Fisherman's outlet, so we saved money too.

Thanks again Ryan.
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Tue Jul 29 2008, 09:56PM
Registered Member #7 Joined: Fri Mar 16 2007, 04:51PM
Posts: 838
Glad you had a good time Bob....I bet you guys worked up a lather out there.
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Tue Jul 29 2008, 10:24PM
Registered Member #10 Joined: Fri Mar 16 2007, 10:04PM
Posts: 1889
good report Bob. glad to here your wetting a line more often.
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Wed Jul 30 2008, 09:56AM
Gungala, gungala
Main Admin Registered Member #3 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 11:27AM
Posts: 3739
Glad you boys made it out and "snagged" a few fish. LOL!!!!!!!
Sounds like you guys had a very fun day.

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Ryan Hale
Wed Jul 30 2008, 03:02PM
Army Strong
Ryan Hale
Main Admin Registered Member #2 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 10:17AM
Posts: 7450
Thanks for the kind words Bob.It was lots of fun to fish with you and Frankie again,always enjoy spending boat time with you guys.

Early start is the key right now.We started at 6:00 a.m. this morning,fish were on fire until about 8:00 a.m.,the it slowed way down again.

Again,thanks for the kind words.

Ryan Hale
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Wed Jul 30 2008, 04:22PM
Registered Member #78 Joined: Wed Jun 20 2007, 02:55PM
Posts: 190
Thanks for the report Bob, Glad to see you guys got some fish, I will tell ya there is not a better teacher Than Ryan, you guys did good WAY TO GO
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