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2012 open water season starts with a bang!!!
Moderator(s): Darrin, Ryan Hale, Ducks
Author Post
Ryan Hale
Mon May 14 2012, 09:40AM Email Print
Army Strong
Ryan Hale
Main Admin Registered Member #2 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 10:17AM
Posts: 7450

Thanks for the great day on the water Saturday, The whole way home we couldn’t get over how we cleaned 56 fish and 9 different species, not to mention the 20-30 that we released because they too small! That trip was more like catching than fishing, it was awesome! We fried those fish up Saturday night and tried it how you recommended that was really good! I still want to learn how to troll so I will be looking you up later this summer.

Thanks Again,

Travis Brink

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Mon May 14 2012, 05:03PM
You throw like a girl.
Registered Member #15 Joined: Sat Mar 17 2007, 10:53AM
Posts: 1656
That's great getting such awesome feedback. Sounds like you'll have repeat customers real soon!
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