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Great Guide
Moderator(s): Darrin, Ryan Hale, Ducks
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Tue Dec 18 2007, 09:20PM Email Print
Registered Member #66 Joined: Mon May 07 2007, 04:45PM
Posts: 74
I have fished for over thirty years and really don't know how to fish. A friend and I wanted to learn how to fish, we figured that Okoboji was the place to go.I was searching around on a Iowa sportsmans website, and people there recommended Ryan. I had met him and we set up a time and place to meet for a guide service. When we arrived Ryan asked what kind of fish are we looking to catch. We said what ever is biting. Within minutes of our first spot we were into fish. Ryan showed us simple things like using a slip bobber and different jigging techniques. The whole time helping and offering words of encouragement.
Fast forward a fews years Ryan and I had stayed in touch, my job took me one way and his took him another. Earlier in 2007 my wife found lumps in her breast and had to have a mastectomy. After her surgery we wanted to get away, I called Ryan and asked him if he any openings at the resort, and told him that the wife and I wanted to go fishing. He took us right in. The weather the first day of our stay wasn't the best, but we went out the next. My wife had never met Ryan but he talked with her like they were old friends. He put us on fish all day, and was nothing but a professional. My wife loved it. Of course she caught more fish than me too. We decided that day that we are going to make it a yearly trip.
Ryan and I still stay in contact, he has always asked about how my wife and family are. He is the kind of person that truely cares, and isn't asking to just be polite. He is always a professional and a great person. He isn't the kind of person that wants a pat on the back or people talking about the great person he is.
As a fishing guide he is the greatest. I found out that I don't know as much about fishing as I thought. But what I learned that was more important than fishing, is that there are still great people out there, and Ryan is one of them. It isn't always about the number of fish that you catch, what what you learn along the way that is important. I will always use Ryan when I go to Okoboji.
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Tue Dec 18 2007, 10:01PM
Registered Member #10 Joined: Fri Mar 16 2007, 10:04PM
Posts: 1889
well spoken Chris. I agree with everything you said about Ryan. he's 1st class all the way! When I first met Ryan on my guide trip last spring, after about 30 minutes I felt like I'd known him my whole life. He makes you feel comfortable and teaches you things about catching fish without making you feel inferior. a great guide and an even better person. Edited Tue Dec 18 2007, 11:17PM
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Tue Dec 18 2007, 11:29PM
Gungala, gungala
Main Admin Registered Member #3 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 11:27AM
Posts: 3739
You would be hard pressed to find another like Ryan Hale!!

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Wed Jan 09 2008, 03:43PM
Registered Member #48 Joined:
Posts: 27
Totally agree. I've fished twice with Ryan and both were excellent adventures. I would have fished with him twice more last summer if not for being laid up. I'll be bringing a buddy up this coming summer and will be looking forward to the day with Ryan.

Not only did we catch fish, but he always teaches me something I didn't know, and that is pretty amazing for a Cyclone fan!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. And Ryan and I also discovered we have a mutual appreciation for the blues. That is good for both Cyclone and Hawkeye fans!

Thanks Ryan!
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Todd Consbruck
Wed Jan 09 2008, 04:22PM
Todd Consbruck
Registered Member #39 Joined: Thu Mar 22 2007, 04:44PM
Posts: 1298
That's a nice compliment. If only Ryan could make the Raiders win again...
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Wed Jan 09 2008, 06:40PM
Registered Member #14 Joined: Sat Mar 17 2007, 09:08AM
Posts: 1027
My wife and I have fished with Ryan several times.

My wife had a blast! Ryan saw to it that her hook was baited and that she caught fish (more fish than I did).

She had a great time and wants to fish with "Ryan" again.

He has also helped me with some walleye fishing tips that have been very helpful.

A gentleman that is a good fishing guide.
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Wed Jan 09 2008, 06:47PM
Registered Member #31 Joined:
Posts: 6
I haven't had the good fortune to fish with Ryan yet but he likes my home made jelly so I guess he's ok. But you guys gotta quit talking like this where he can hear you. He might start thinking we like him or something.
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