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We Thoroughly Enjoyed our Trip!
Moderator(s): Darrin, Ryan Hale, Ducks
Author Post
Drew F
Tue Jul 05 2016, 10:12AM Email Print
Drew F
Registered Member #47 Joined: Wed Mar 28 2007, 10:32PM
Posts: 128
Ryan, thanks for a fun fishing trip Saturday. We all really enjoyed ourselves and I'm sure this trip will not be forgotten any time soon.

Ryan took myself, my girlfriend, and her father fishing Saturday morning. Neither my girlfriend or her dad had fished before so I was really hoping we'd be able to get on some fish. Ryan did not disappoint! Right away in the morning he put us on a school of big Okoboji bluegills. Ryan was extremely patient and he did a great job explaining how to fish slipper bobbers to 2 people who've never even held fishing rods. He took time to explain what type of structure we were fishing and showed us on his electronics. I thought this was really cool and I think it helped them understand what was going on down there a lot better. It was super fun watching them reel in bluegill after bluegill and see the excitement on their faces.

We ended up keeping 25 fish and grilled them up Saturday night. They were delicious. Thanks again Ryan!
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Ryan Hale
Tue Jul 05 2016, 03:02PM
Army Strong
Ryan Hale
Main Admin Registered Member #2 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 10:17AM
Posts: 7450
I had a great time fishing with your group Drew. Thank you so much for the kind words.

Ryan Hale
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