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Guide Trip 1-25-07
Moderator(s): Darrin, Ryan Hale, Ducks
Author Post
Sun Jan 27 2008, 12:59PM Email Print
Registered Member #104 Joined: Tue Nov 27 2007, 12:03PM
Posts: 26
All I can say is that fishing with Ryan is awesome! I brought 10 guys up on Friday morning to fish with Ryan. We met him on the ice at 7:45 and started fishing right away. We went from catching no fish before fishing with Ryan to catching fish when we were done fishing with Ryan. He spent 30 minutes with each of us in his shack showing us what to do. I never knew there was so much to sight fishing. No wonder I got my butt whooped in the tournament. I learned more in a half hour than I ever have. We ended up with about 20 nice big West O gills. I dont have the pictures yet, but will have them probably tomorrow. I think Ryan has a few pics. Had a northern bite me off, and we saw a few more northerns and walleyes. It was a lot of fun. Ryan did great with everyone, and everyone thought it was great to sit with him and learn. Best money I ever spent on ice fishing. Great Guide Trip Ryan thanks for all the tips and fish. Can't wait to do it again next year.
Hit a farm pond the next day with the same 10 guys and we caught quite a few bluegills a few perch and a couple bass. It was a great Friday and Saturday. Got my dad on the ice for the first time ever and he loved it. Getting to spend time with Friends and Family was great. The beer was also nice and cold.

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Sun Jan 27 2008, 02:28PM
Registered Member #14 Joined: Sat Mar 17 2007, 09:08AM
Posts: 1027
Thanks for the report and glad that Ryan was able to put you on some fish while giveing a lesson as well. All that would make it a great trip!

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Sun Jan 27 2008, 10:09PM
Gungala, gungala
Main Admin Registered Member #3 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 11:27AM
Posts: 3739
Sounds like you guys had a great trip! Ryan certainly has a way with the fish. No doubt about that. Did Ryan take you his super duper, extra secretive spot?

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Mon Jan 28 2008, 06:12PM
Registered Member #66 Joined: Mon May 07 2007, 04:45PM
Posts: 74
Ryan has a place in the forum section for client feedback, that would be a great place to share your story also. The more feedback like that he gets the busier he will be and the better off we all will be. Great story, fishing with Ryan is always fun and you get to learn alot also.
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Ryan Hale
Mon Jan 28 2008, 08:49PM
Army Strong
Ryan Hale
Main Admin Registered Member #2 Joined: Thu Mar 15 2007, 10:17AM
Posts: 7450
I had a great time with your family and friends.Thanks again for the trip.

Ryan Hale
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