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Highly Recommend
Moderator(s): Darrin, Ryan Hale, Ducks
Author Post
Sat Mar 17 2007, 12:32PM Email Print
You throw like a girl.
Registered Member #15 Joined: Sat Mar 17 2007, 10:53AM
Posts: 1656
I met Ryan in the summer of 2006 after I booked a guide trip with him. By far the best experience I have ever had with a guide. Not only did Ryan put me on lots of fish, he also taught me many fishing fundementals and tactics which I really appreciated. I asked him lots of questions and he was really good at communicating the right answers back to me. He was very friendly and obviously a very talented outdoorsman. In fact, I booked him for an ice fishing trip in January on the IGLs and had another great time and caught lots of fish again.
I'll be booking him again this summer for sure, catching those Smallmouths was awesome!

Thanks again Ryan!

Brent Jensen
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Sat Mar 17 2007, 04:54PM
Registered Member #10 Joined: Fri Mar 16 2007, 10:04PM
Posts: 1889
Brent, sounds like you and I had the same experience fishing with Ryan. Even if I wouldn't have caught a single fish it still would have been money well spent
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