
What's the first thing you get ready for the spring/warm weather switch?

De-winterize the boat

Votes: 3 | 27.27%

Go through open water gear and fix/replace

Votes: 6 | 54.55%

Open up the camper/cabin

Votes: 0 | 0%

Look up the last places still able to ice fish

Votes: 1 | 9.09%

Kayak or shore fish the first open water you can find

Votes: 1 | 9.09%

Posted by DocMudge
Votes: 11 Comments: 2
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Ryan Hale
29 Apr : 22:08
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Always enjoy the change of seasons in Iowa. Winter held on this year.

31 May : 21:26
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The mystery of animals and fish we chase, is what makes me happy. There is always something new to learn.

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