Poll #25
Do you believe fishing regulations should follow what is
Scientifically Proven
Votes: 6 | 15.38%
Votes: 2 | 5.13%
Ethical and Scientifically Proven
Votes: 31 | 79.49%
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30 Nov : 22:56
29 Nov : 19:25
As a former educator I agree with what you have written. The "me" society or the "feel good society" that we are now in makes it difficult to instruct and educate.
10 Nov : 20:36
09 Nov : 08:25
Ryan Hale
09 Nov : 07:57
I voted for the "both" category. I dont want rules and laws to go against what is scientifically correct and to be a detriment to us in the long term. There are clearly some studies out there that validate some of our current laws and rules and there is not a problem with that. The problem is (as was posted in a thread earlier) that to get the scientific data takes time and money, and these are not always done so we get stuck with the old or based on what other states have done. this just isnt good enough.
I also think ethics should play a part of this. I have avoided the soapbox, but here it goes. Not meant to offend anyone, just one farmboys opinion on the ethical side of things.... First off, lets be real about ethics and laws. All laws are passed and voted on based on the ethics and morals of our representatives and what they feel is right/ethical and/or what they think thier voters think is right/ethical. My opinion, based on a societal model, is that our ethical base is going the way of the Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Macedonians, (insert major power that fell here), etc. We are becoming more of a me-me-me society rather than a society based on a moral base. Not going to get too deep into the religious side of this, but you can probably tell where I am going with this. This bigger picture set of norms, morays, and folkways is trickling down to all areas of our lives, including the outdoors.
With that said, ethics of taking animals come into play. I do not believe it is wrong to harvest animals as I believe they are there for us to sustain ourselves. I would live off the land if I had to and be happy with that. However, the bigger picture is that most of our hunting/fishing is done for enjoyment and ethically it is wrong for me to overharvest for my own personal benefit and feelings if it is a harm to the greater good and others. Again, something I have been taught in other areas of my life and also guides this.
Now, with that said, I am in no way talking about those that abide by the current laws and rules. No problem with taking a healthy limit to eat and feed others. I do the same and will continue to do so. The problem, as we all know, is those that take buckets of fish only to clean half of them just because they can or to show off to others. This is ethically wrong and harms the rest of us. There should be stiffer laws and rules set to regulate those that refuse to regulate themselves. This isnt giving the government too much power, rather it is enforcing ethics that should be common sense by now.
I could go on and on about this as I see first hand the ethics that our young ones are being taught....not many. Will fishing be the downfall of our society...no...but the lack of ethics in our realm of the world that we are discussing here is really just part of a bigger problem that many in our country just dont seem to care about.
Holy cow...I touched on politics and religion here....ugh. Sorry 'bout that...please ignore most of this post.....