Poll #73

How many members use the IDNR Fishing Reports?


Votes: 17 | 48.57%


Votes: 18 | 51.43%

Posted by Ducks
Votes: 35
Posted by Ducks
Active from Monday Oct 25 2010, 09:55AM to Tuesday Nov 30 2010, 01:35PM


All Previous polls

Title Posted by Active
Favorite ice shack brand? DocMudge Active from 02 Oct : 12:34 to 21 Jan : 09:55
Where is your #1 bucket list fishing location? Tell us the species in the comments! DocMudge Active from 20 Jul : 10:08 to 02 Oct : 12:34
What's the first thing you get ready for the spring/warm weather switch? DocMudge Active from 25 Apr : 14:53 to 20 Jul : 10:08
Are you sick of the snow? DocMudge Active from 16 Apr : 08:25 to 25 Apr : 14:53
What is your 2018 New Years resolution? DocMudge Active from 01 Feb : 09:35 to 16 Apr : 08:25
Prediction for early ice on the IGLs? DocMudge Active from 01 Nov : 09:43 to 01 Feb : 09:35
What 3 would you call the perfect weekend Iowa Hat Trick? DocMudge Active from 22 Aug : 08:42 to 01 Nov : 09:43
What is your favorite first spot for open water fishing? DocMudge Active from 01 Mar : 14:14 to 22 Aug : 08:42
What's your favorite part of fall? DocMudge Active from 07 Sept : 14:58 to 01 Mar : 14:14
What is your goal for open water this year? DocMudge Active from 17 May : 07:39 to 07 Sept : 14:58
Prediction for open water DocMudge Active from 27 Jan : 09:09 to 17 May : 07:39
What do you think about the prospects for Iowa ice in 2015? DocMudge Active from 03 Dec : 15:48 to 27 Jan : 09:09
Thoughts on your 2015 open water season? DocMudge Active from 14 Sept : 08:22 to 03 Dec : 15:48
What's your biggest goal for fishing this year? DocMudge Active from 15 May : 07:19 to 14 Sept : 08:22
How was your 2014-2015 ice season? DocMudge Active from 10 Mar : 10:24 to 15 May : 07:19
What color ice shack do you have? DocMudge Active from 12 Nov : 12:02 to 10 Mar : 10:24
When do you think you will begin ice fishing? DocMudge Active from 30 Sept : 07:59 to 12 Nov : 12:02
On average, how many hours do you spend fishing when you go out? DocMudge Active from 05 Aug : 13:15 to 30 Sept : 07:59
Open water time! What's your boat made out of? DocMudge Active from 03 Apr : 14:05 to 05 Aug : 13:15
When do you pack up your ice gear? DocMudge Active from 16 Jan : 13:23 to 03 Apr : 14:05
What is the minimum ice thickness for you? DocMudge Active from 11 Dec : 08:23 to 16 Jan : 13:23
When do you winterize your boat? DocMudge Active from 21 Aug : 15:34 to 11 Dec : 08:23
If you had to choose, which would be the only place you'd fish during open water? DocMudge Active from 12 Jun : 12:12 to 21 Aug : 15:34
Now that icing season is wrapping up soon, how would you rate your season? Ducks Active from 18 Mar : 09:41 to 12 Jun : 12:12
Which condition do you have the best luck on the ice? During a: Ducks Active from 18 Jan : 09:33 to 18 Mar : 09:41
What species of fish are you most anxious to catch this winter? Ducks Active from 05 Oct : 12:20 to 18 Jan : 09:33
How many different species of fish have you caught in Iowa? Ducks Active from 22 Mar : 07:58 to 05 Oct : 12:20
Season's almost over, rate your ice fishing season. 1 = best, 10 = worst Ducks Active from 15 Feb : 17:02 to 22 Mar : 07:53
Have you been ice fishing yet this year in Iowa? Ducks Active from 20 Jan : 13:47 to 15 Feb : 17:02
As of this moment, do you have fishable ice within 40 miles of home? Ducks Active from 05 Jan : 09:45 to 20 Jan : 13:47
On ice.....what do you plan to go after first? Ducks Active from 28 Nov : 09:10 to 05 Jan : 09:45
Who's ready for open water to be over and gettin' on to ice fishing? Ducks Active from 25 Jul : 17:32 to 28 Nov : 09:10
How many of you use Reel Magic or a similar product? Ducks Active from 22 Apr : 14:46 to 25 Jul : 17:32
Number of times on the ice this season? Ducks Active from 08 Mar : 11:38 to 22 Apr : 14:46
Ice Fishing....Do you have better success on early ice or late ice? Ducks Active from 04 Feb : 09:39 to 08 Mar : 11:38
How would you rate your ice season so far? Ducks Active from 27 Dec : 09:34 to 04 Feb : 09:39
Fishing. Open water or icing? Ducks Active from 30 Nov : 13:35 to 27 Dec : 09:34
How many members use the IDNR Fishing Reports? Ducks Active from 25 Oct : 09:55 to 30 Nov : 13:35
How many of you have wives that share your outdoor passion/s? Ducks Active from 08 Sept : 11:19 to 25 Oct : 09:55
Do you believe non-toxic shot should be manditory over the entire state of Iowa? Ducks Active from 28 Jun : 08:18 to 08 Sept : 11:19
If you had to pick one and only one, which month would you pick to fish during? Ducks Active from 17 May : 12:34 to 28 Jun : 08:18
Favorite Movie of all time? Ducks Active from 13 Apr : 18:22 to 17 May : 12:34
Just gotta do it........Chevy, Ford or Dodge? Which do you own? Ducks Active from 13 Apr : 12:35 to 13 Apr : 18:22
How many of you have your boat all cleaned up and ready to roll? Ducks Active from 08 Mar : 09:37 to 13 Apr : 12:35
Have you noticed people breaking the new panfish limits? Ducks Active from 08 Feb : 09:24 to 08 Mar : 09:37
How many rods do you take with you on the ice? Ducks Active from 05 Jan : 09:27 to 08 Feb : 09:24
How many of you would be perfectly happy to have the waterfowl season close on Dec. 3rd? Ducks Active from 14 Dec : 10:26 to 05 Jan : 09:27
Would you be opposed to a split ducks season that ran from Sept. 19th - Oct. 11th and Nov 9th - Dec. 15th? Ducks Active from 02 Dec : 18:59 to 14 Dec : 10:26
Are you still fishing open water or is the boat put away and waiting for ice? Ducks Active from 19 Nov : 09:57 to 02 Dec : 18:59
For you guys in the south zone, how would you rate your duck opener compared to years past? Ducks Active from 21 Oct : 08:21 to 19 Nov : 09:57
For the guys in the northern zone, how would you rate your opening weekend compared to the past opening? Ducks Active from 15 Oct : 08:26 to 21 Oct : 08:21
Who's planning on hunting pheasants this year? Ducks Active from 01 Oct : 10:07 to 15 Oct : 08:26
What part of the state will be your "primary" hunt hole come duck season? Ducks Active from 13 Sept : 20:38 to 01 Oct : 10:07
How many are planning to hunt the early duck season, Sept. 19-23? Ducks Active from 19 Aug : 10:45 to 13 Sept : 20:38
Updated Poll! What weekend for the Hales Guide Service outing? Ducks Active from 04 Aug : 09:40 to 19 Aug : 10:45
What week-end for the Hales Guide Service outting Ryan Hale Active from 28 Jul : 10:31 to 04 Aug : 09:40
Now that we are in the middle of July, do you find your thoughts drifting towards the falls activities? If so, please leave a comment. Ducks Active from 15 Jul : 08:28 to 23 Jul : 09:43
What is the minimum distance you give when you pass a boat that is fishing? Ducks Active from 22 Jun : 10:20 to 15 Jul : 08:28
One person whom you most like to spend one day on the water with? Anyone, past or present. Ducks Active from 26 May : 09:06 to 22 Jun : 10:20
Get your tom yet? (multiple choice) Ducks Active from 12 May : 08:33 to 26 May : 09:06
What is the farthest you have traveled to fish? Ducks Active from 10 Apr : 09:34 to 12 May : 08:33
Who is going to win the NCAA tournamnet? Ducks Active from 30 Mar : 08:54 to 10 Apr : 09:34
Do you plan to hunt spring snow geese? Ducks Active from 10 Mar : 10:08 to 30 Mar : 08:54
Ready for open water or want more ice fishing? Ducks Active from 24 Feb : 09:43 to 10 Mar : 10:08
Rate your ice fishing season so far. 1=worst 10=best Ducks Active from 26 Jan : 13:58 to 24 Feb : 09:43
What size auger do you "prefer"? Ducks Active from 08 Jan : 11:22 to 26 Jan : 13:58
Best color for icing Gills? (Revised)(multiple choices allowed) Ducks Active from 15 Dec : 09:49 to 08 Jan : 11:22
Favorite color for icing gills? (multiple choices allowed) Ducks Active from 14 Dec : 19:05 to 15 Dec : 09:49
It's Dec. 1st. Cold and fresh snow. Would we find you? Ducks Active from 01 Dec : 11:19 to 14 Dec : 19:05
How many of you have actually set inside your shack or on your bucket already and pretended to be fishing? Ducks Active from 01 Nov : 08:41 to 01 Dec : 11:19
Do you self regulate your fish limits? Or do you take what the law allows? Ducks Active from 07 Oct : 12:39 to 01 Nov : 08:41
Multiple Choice: Which seasons do you participate? Ducks Active from 03 Sept : 08:36 to 07 Oct : 12:39
With the higher gas prices, have you: Ducks Active from 24 Jul : 12:18 to 03 Sept : 08:36
Since the water has opened....which species have you spent the most time chasing? Ducks Active from 07 Jul : 11:50 to 24 Jul : 12:18
Dates for the Hale Site Outing/ only vote if you plan on attending Ducks Active from 19 May : 09:53 to 07 Jul : 11:50
Favorite time of day for pike/muskie? Ducks Active from 07 May : 11:29 to 19 May : 09:53
Will you be turkey hunting this spring? Ducks Active from 14 Apr : 17:31 to 07 May : 11:29
How many times a year do you fish alone AND do you use a life jacket? Ducks Active from 01 Apr : 10:08 to 14 Apr : 17:31
Now that the ice season is wrapping up, how would you rate it? Ducks Active from 19 Mar : 12:43 to 01 Apr : 10:08
First species you'll target once we have open water? Ducks Active from 05 Mar : 16:13 to 19 Mar : 12:43
Water clarity preference for fishing walleye? Ducks Active from 18 Feb : 09:29 to 05 Mar : 16:13
Given a choice of only one for ice fishing. Camera or Flasher? Ducks Active from 27 Jan : 22:30 to 18 Feb : 09:29
How would you rate your success on the ice so far this season? Ducks Active from 08 Jan : 22:55 to 27 Jan : 22:30
Have you gotten on the ice yet? Ducks Active from 10 Dec : 10:02 to 08 Jan : 22:55
Do you believe fishing regulations should follow what is Ducks Active from 07 Nov : 12:34 to 10 Dec : 10:02
You shoot a duck but it sails into a refuge. Do you? Ducks Active from 22 Oct : 11:40 to 07 Nov : 12:34
Who is your outdoor hero? Ducks Active from 10 Oct : 10:23 to 22 Oct : 11:40
Favorite load for geese? Ducks Active from 30 Sept : 20:20 to 10 Oct : 10:23
How long do you let your outboard warm up on intial start up? Ducks Active from 17 Sept : 12:18 to 30 Sept : 20:20
With the reports of waterfowl numbers on the rise, what are your expectations for this season? Ducks Active from 10 Sept : 09:00 to 17 Sept : 12:18
Which area of the state would you choose to hunt waterfowl? Ducks Active from 28 Aug : 13:23 to 10 Sept : 09:00
Do you clean off the vegetation from your boat EVERY trip? Ducks Active from 07 Aug : 17:35 to 28 Aug : 13:23
Will you be in the Caribbean next week? Ducks Active from 06 Aug : 21:35 to 07 Aug : 17:35
Favorite Walleye Conditions? Ducks Active from 25 Jul : 12:57 to 06 Aug : 21:35
Have you been on a fishing trip to the Iowa Great Lakes? Ducks Active from 16 Jul : 12:40 to 25 Jul : 12:57
Have you been on a fishing trip to Canada? Ducks Active from 09 Jul : 08:54 to 16 Jul : 12:40
Favorite/Best pattern for pike? Ducks Active from 02 Jul : 08:20 to 09 Jul : 08:54
Money aside, where would you go for eyes and pike? Ducks Active from 18 Jun : 09:19 to 02 Jul : 08:20
Do you think Iowa should implement a panfish limit by: Ducks Active from 06 Jun : 13:12 to 18 Jun : 09:19
Who do you buy most of your outdoor equipment from? Ducks Active from 29 May : 15:59 to 06 Jun : 13:12
Favorite Part of a Fishing Trip? Ducks Active from 21 May : 09:09 to 29 May : 15:59
How many times have you been fishing so far this year? Ducks Active from 15 May : 18:18 to 21 May : 09:09
Favorite time of year for Walleyes? Ducks Active from 07 May : 12:55 to 15 May : 18:18
What age group do you belong to? Ducks Active from 30 Apr : 22:28 to 07 May : 12:55
What age did you start fishing? Ducks Active from 23 Apr : 11:38 to 30 Apr : 22:28
Favorite Bass Presentation? Ducks Active from 09 Apr : 10:56 to 23 Apr : 11:38
Favorite Fish to Eat?? Ducks Active from 01 Apr : 21:04 to 09 Apr : 10:56