Poll #52
What is the minimum distance you give when you pass a boat that is fishing?
200 feet
Votes: 14 | 35%
100 feet
Votes: 12 | 30%
50 feet
Votes: 12 | 30%
25 feet
Votes: 1 | 2.5%
10 feet
Votes: 0 | 0%
bump rails (bump heads)
Votes: 1 | 2.5%
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22 Jun : 20:32
22 Jun : 20:27
22 Jun : 20:22
Another good question, will be interesting to see the final results.
22 Jun : 13:49
22 Jun : 12:56
I like to give a fisherman as much room as possible, however on the river in many areas that I and others fish it is very tight creek and canals and some times you can not get in or out of them unless you are on plane so fact is you may have to run past a guy fishing and almost bump rails and your even running 20+mph. That may sound crazy but its just how it is. Long as the guy is giving me as much room as he can and still be operating his boat in a safe manor I am ok with it.
I'm sure that answer differs from many of the rest of you that are in a little more wide open spaces.